So, I've been doing Turbo Fire for the last four weeks.
And while the results have not been drastic in the first 30 days, I have lost about 3lbs and 5 inches overall. To be totally honest, I was hoping for more. I figured that being on WW coupled with intense workouts would lead to faster weightloss, when in fact, I feel like I'm more stuck at a certain weight. And I'm thinking that I shouldn't have hit a plateau....yet.
However, I think it also has to do with my nutrition plan. I haven't been quite as vigilant as I should be. I have been tracking everything, so I know that I fall under the calorie goal, but I've also allowed myself to rationalize certain choices because I have worked out. The wonderful thing (and what makes it worth it) about Turbo Fire is that the average 45 minute workout burns about 800 calories. which. is. awesome.
But, it's super frustrating to not see the number on the scale go down. I guess I'm more frustrated because I feel like I was consistently losing more weight (or consistently losing weight each week) while on WW (which I'm doing through at least the end of the month), but now I'm not. And I know that it's probably attributed to gaining muscle, but I'm a numbers kind of girl, and the scale going down definitely motivates me more. AND, I'm thisssss close to 10lbs down. I keep teetering at 8-9lbs....
I'm still hoping to be down another 10lbs by Christmas, and I know that I need to step up my nutrition game if I'm going to lose more weight. But I'm not giving up. I know that it would be easy to give in after the first 30 days, but no, this program will be over by December 11.... I CAN DO THIS!!
1 week ago
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